About Us

General Information

Company:                                    The Blackheath City Improvement District NPC (BCID)

Company Reg No:                   2005/036286/08

Registered Office:                   Unit 34, Blackheath Small Business Centre, 10 Station Road, Blackheath, 7580

Postal Address:                        P.O. Box 12, Blackheath, 7581

Website Address:                    www.bcid.co.za 

Telephone Numbers:             021 905 0929 / 021 492 9117 / 021 492 9118 

Email Address:                          admin@bcid.co.za / info@bcid.co,za  

Auditors:                                                  C2M Chartered Accountants Inc

Accountant:                                           Taxrite Accounting Services

Company Secretarial Duties:     C2M Taxation Accounting & Statutory Services (Pty) Ltd 


BCID Manager:                                     Brendan van der Merwe


Public Safety Services:                     ST3 Security                        021 905 3399 / 086 000 BCID

Contact Details:                                   CID Manager                      021 905 0929 / 082 927 0515

                                                                         Precinct Manager            021 905 0929 / 063 783 1212

24-Hour Control Room:                  021 905 3399 / 086 000 BCID (2243)

Website / Facebook Page:            www.bcid.co.za / Facebook

Strategic Overview

BCID Vision

To transform the Blackheath Industrial Area into a sought after and preferred, attractive and secure, centrally located Industrial and Commercial business district and thereby enable business retention and expansion.

BCID Mission

To provide enhanced area management and additional municipal services, including public safety, cleansing and marketing campaigns and assist the City with their focus on, the rehabilitation of and the upgrade to, municipal infrastructure within the Blackheath Industrial Area, whilst promoting social development.

BCID Core Values

The Directors and Members of the BCID will embrace opportunities with integrity to improve the overall satisfaction of the Property Owners and Members of the BCID by strategic and ethical management of our resources and effective interaction and respectful engagement with our service partners.

The BCID is built on a set of core values. We live by the values that have shaped our success and the success of the Blackheath Industrial Area. Our reputation depends upon it. Our members can see the difference these values make in our business, and they can see the tangible results.

The Blackheath regeneration process stands upon the strength and pillars of successful private-public partnerships at both operational and strategic levels.

We are transparent and accountable and this we achieve through the submission of annual reports to the local community, facilitation of local community participation in Board meetings and members’ meetings of the BCID NPC, and in the publication of relevant documentation online at www.bcid.co.za.

BCID Operational Goals

The BCID aims to promote Blackheath Industria as a sought after and preferred Industrial and Commercial Node by:

  • Regular marketing and other positive press-based initiatives
  • Endeavouring to offer a future for potential buyers and the development of new businesses
  • Creating an environment that cares and values the safety and security of all workers and guests
  • Establishing a clean, up-market Industrial Area that is attractive, well-governed and has a process whereby issues can be addressed and resolved with local infrastructure owners
  • Creating a competent, competitive industrial node with a large skills base, growing capabilities
  • Supporting the local business community and their staff by assisting them with issues regarding their personal safety by:
    • Improving public safety
    • Constant maintenance and cleansing
    • Planned environmental development, including but not limited to beautifying and upgrading public areas, verges and facilities; and
    • Promoting social and economic development in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Statutory Mandate

The Blackheath City Improvement District NPC is governed by the CID By-law and Section 22 of the Municipal Property Rates Act.  Its main responsibility is to consider, develop, and implement improvements and upgrades within the geographical area of the Blackheath City Improvement District, supplementing services provided by the CCT.

Funding for these initiatives comes from additional rates collected by the CCT from qualifying property owners within the CID’s registered boundaries.   The collected rates are then allocated to the company according to the aforementioned legislation.  The CID may also receive additional funding through local fundraising initiatives.

In managing these funds, the company operates under the oversight of the CCT, adhering to the CID By-law and CID Policy, as well as the public procurement principles enshrined in Section 217 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.  These measures ensure transparency, accountability, and effective use of resources for the improvement and development projects within the Blackheath City Improvement District.

BCID List of Directors

The BCID Board of Directors are listed below.  Each Director is responsible for a specific portfolio of the BCID. Mr. G.M. Noonan Director Finances / Administration MacAdams Baking Systems Mr. G.R.P. Ferreira Director Chairperson  / Security TJ’s Lekker Braai  Mr. J.H. van Zyl Director Capital Projects Cape Industrial Properties Mr. C.W. Toerien Director Cleansing Spear …

Blackheath City Improvement District NPC Boundary Map

The Blackheath City Improvement District Boundary Map indicated the specific area covered by the improvement district in Blackheath. This map plays a crucial role in urban planning and community development. It outlines the boundaries within which the improvement district operates, encompassing streets, landmarks and neighbourhoods. The tool aids in the allocation of resources, management of …

Our Partners

Statement on City of Cape Town’s Support to Blackheath City Improvement District (CID) The Blackheath City Improvement District (CID) is proud to acknowledge the invaluable support and partnership extended to us by the City of Cape Town. As a proactive and community-driven organisation, our success is amplified by the collaborative efforts with the City, which …