April 2013 News



Another month has come and gone and we can resolutely say that April is the month of transition. So many things change as the year gets stuck in and even the weather cannot make up its mind. Fortunately we are here to keep you on track: unchanging and unrelenting.

NEWSFLASH: The BIG COVER UP – Still Covering Up!

Marilyn Bradley of Blindfold Blinds is in the area with her project “The Big Cover Up”.  You may recall the article in last month’s newsletter introducing you to the idea; well we are happy to say things are starting to gain momentum.  We are sure we don’t have to remind anyone of the pleasure of being able to close a curtain and sink into the privacy of your own home.  It is a luxury we take for granted, and Marilyn is trying to bring this luxury to the people of Happy Valley, at a relatively low cost.

As the companies of Blackheath most of us work with the residents of Happy Valley every day.  They are our staff, employees, volunteers – and we want them to feel at home here with us.  So why not give a little back?  Marilyn is calling around, so be on the lookout – and if you feel inclined to help out then we encourage you to do so.  Sixty-five houses have already been “blindfolded” and we thank Cape Concrete, Macadams, Energy Oil, Pallet Supply and all those who have independently contributed.  A little can go a long way!

If you want to go the extra mile and take a step forward, then feel free to contact her at (021) 671-2133 or directly (082) 784-4440.