May 2013 – Keeping you up-to-date

A reminder to all that we have a Facebook page up and running.  We would love to see you all liking it and keeping up-to-date with our weekly happenings.  Follow the link and join up. Otherwise pass on the message and get everyone in your company to join.  We are all a part of the Blackheath family and I want to share what we do with everybody.  So to keep informed go to

Also don’t forget that we have a website ( that you can look through.  Keeping your details on the website helps people to find out who operates from Blackheath Industria.  For this reason we need to make sure that all our information is updated.  The website has a directory that we want to ensure is accurate – so please email me your details so that I can make sure your company is in the directory.  Just email me at with your name, the name of your company, your company’s address, company contact number and a brief description of what you manufacture, produce, provide as a service, etc.  Your contribution will help me to help you, so that we can point the area’s clientele in the right direction.

Our Schools

A friendly reminder to all that we have schools in Happy Valley that the Blackheath City Improvement District supports and tries to aid as best we can, but we cannot do this without your assistance.  Any form of donation i.e. pens, pencils, erasers, old story books, etc. are always welcome and all we ask for.  We try our best to help out where we can, but we can only do so much.  So if there is anything you have available or are able to gather around your office then please let me know at If you want to keep up-to-date with what is happening at the schools we do weekly updates on the Facebook pages.  So visit to see what is happening at the Grade R School (run and supported by Sing for Africa) or to keep in touch with the youngsters at the crèche who are fun-loving and filled with child-like wonder.

The boys at Happy Feet Crèche