NEW Staff member for the BCID: Jean Smuts

Now may be as good a time as any to introduce a new member of the BCID team – me. Some of you I have had the pleasure of meeting, others not yet, but I will in the future.  My name is Jean Smuts, and I have been brought on to assist Brendan van der Merwe.  Having recently completed my studies in International Relations and Social Anthropology at the University of Cape Town, I am pleased and excited to take on this role.  I look forward to meeting all of you through the course of the next few months, so do not be surprised if I pop in now-and-then (by appointment of course so I suppose it will not be very surprising).
Should anyone wish to contact me for whatever reason then feel free to call me at the office on 021 905 0929 or my mobile 072 460 2010.  If either of these is inconvenient my email is  I started a little over a week ago, so please be patient and take good care of me while I familiarise myself with everything and everyone.